How to make a big dream easier to create?
Welcome to August. In the spirit of this holiday weekend, here’s a powerful thought you can ponder while hiking in the woods, walking on the beach, or gazing into a camp fire. “When you dream BIG your problems become small.” Vishen Lakhiani shared this idea at...
Do we have an appointment?
“The most authentic way of knowing comes from the heart.” – Sonia Choquette Wow. I’m just back from a month in Pula, Croatia and hanging out with a tribe of about 1,300 happy souls that followed their heart to Mindvalley University. It was an extraordinary global,...
When teamwork becomes dream work
“For several centuries now, we have overemphasized the intellect. It is fine in its place. It is not, however, the most authentic way of knowing. The most authentic comes from the heart.” – Sonia Choquette Ahh, yes, lest we forget the wisdom of the heart, and the...
Could this be your most important skill?
Are you tapping into your intuition? As Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, attests in the video above, intuition might be the most important skill in life, and business, you have. Many successful entrepreneurs, billionaires (including Steve Jobs), and artists,...
Struggling to do it all alone? This could make it easier.
The other night I was having conversation with a friend and colleague on how hard it is to be a solo entrepreneur and the overwhelm of trying to create, run, and implement all aspects of business all on your own. He used to work as part of a team, and found it so much...
Are you feeling what I’m feeling…?
In this ever-changing world of white noise, disruption, and frankly, distraction, do you, like me, feel like you’re drowning in a sea of digital information and choices? From managing your inbox to completing another online course to 24/7 social media feeds do you...
Why this is your best investment
Imagine waking up with absolute clarity knowing that your heart’s desire, your mind’s practical wisdom, and your vision are completely aligned. You are clear and committed to doing something that matters… and the Universe, and others, are responding. You are...
How to live your location independent life!
Have you ever dreamed of living or working in another country? Maybe you’d like to become what my friend and colleague Liza Rogers calls being “location independent” or what I call “globally mobile.” 🙂 Liza is the founder WREN (Women in Real Estate Network), a savvy...
The Power of New Beginnings
This weekend is Easter, and there’s a full moon on April 19, both symbolizing new beginnings and a time of fertile power. And it got me thinking… What is alive and blossoming in your life right now? Or ready to be planted? Where do you feel a surge of energy to …...
Energy speaks… and it’s got a few messages for you
As a writer (and former editor) I read a lot. And I believe books, especially when the wisdom is applied, do have the power to change our lives… and ultimately the world we live in. Such is the power of Energy Speaks: Messages from spirit on living, loving and...