Why I travel

Why I travel

One sees clearly only with the heart. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery My soul came to travel. Inside and out. To awaken—to see the world with fresh eyes—my own eyes. And to see people and other cultures through the lens of the heart. Africa has been an especially...
Into the mystic…

Into the mystic…

There are trips… and there are journeys.Trips offer amazing experiences and memories.Journeys change you on the inside. When it comes to journeys of the earth and of the spirit, exploring the sacred and mystic with a curiosity and presence that informs the heart and...
True power: What’s love got to do with it?

True power: What’s love got to do with it?

“If humanity ever captures the energy of love, it will be the second time in history that we have discovered fire.” Rev. Michael B. Curry February is heart month, when many celebrate love, not just romantic love, and all things related to the heart. Many people are...
New Year, New (unexpected) Adventures

New Year, New (unexpected) Adventures

“Heart energy is the frequency of the future.”–Lee Harris As I write this, we are the energy of a new year, new moon, and in my case, new and unexpected adventures. It’s a powerful time not just to set new intentions that lay the foundation for the new, but also to...
My word to catalyze a dream-filled 2024

My word to catalyze a dream-filled 2024

My word to catalyze a dream-filled 2024 “Say ‘Yes’ to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”– Eckhart Tolle Well, 2023 is almost a wrap. As you reflect on what you created (and what you didn’t), what dream(s) would you love to...