Why uncertainty is a good thing

As the wild ride that was 2017 comes to an end, are you facing 2018 with uncertainty about what could possibly happen next?


Uncertainty can be a wonderful, mysterious and life-renewing space—on a global and personal level.


Because from the space of the unknown all things are possible.

I love the mysterious, curious, place of the unknown because when we don’t have any preconceived idea of what ‘should’ happen, anything CAN happen.

Or as I like to say, “The magic is in the mystery.”

When I climbed Kilimanjaro (see photo above) I really didn’t know if I would reach the summit. No one does, until they’re on the mountain.

But the uncertainty of the outcome did not sway me. It fuelled me.

I woke up every morning, expressed gratitude that I was still breathing at whatever altitude we were at, grounded myself in the present moment, and embraced the mystery—not the fear—of what that day would bring.

That’s the space from which all great inventions, art, and journeys are created.

If you knew the results before the process … what would be the point (or joy) of the exploration, experiment or experience?

The same goes for anything YOU want to create, discover, or experience.

That’s best space to create your “wildest dreams” is from the unknown aka your higher consciousness where things exist beyond your human mind, beyond logic and what “makes sense,” and OMG way beyond what other people believe is possible.

To create your dreams, you must get comfortable with the unknown.

Here expansion, creativity, mystery, intrigue, imagination, and unexpected discoveries are limitless. In this place of all possibility uncertainty transforms to clarity.

And fear, overwhelm, and overthinking don’t have to come along unless you invite them.

Fear of uncertainty is simply the belief that you don’t have the ability, wisdom, or resources to deal with something or create the scenario you want.

From a soul level, none of this is true… though it may feel that way.

You have the power to decide how you want to feel, and create or experience what you truly desire, from a place of peace, without needing to know how everything will unfold.

Embrace the mystery not the fear, my friends.

Think of it this way, would you really want to see a movie if you knew how it ends? And even if you think you do know how it ends … don’t you just love a few good plot twists and surprises along the way?

Your life is your movie.

How do you want it to play out?

Mine’s going to be a thriller.

Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity.

Surrender control. Be open to the mystery. Allow for magic.

If you’re ready to create some magic in your life in 2018, I’d love to support you.

I’ve created a program that includes a whole section on “Embracing the Mystery not the Fear.” If you’d love to move from uncertainty to clarity to bring your next dream to life check out The Soul Ignition Coaching Program (hyperlink), which begins January 11, 2018.

Have a magical holiday season.