Why Following Your Heart Gets You Results – Faster!

Online and off, we hear A LOT these days about following our heart, passions, soul, genius, and much more to create our “best life,” our “miraculous life,” our “best year yet.”

Yet our visions of happiness, riches, and that ever-elusive love of our lives remain… well, elusive. The dreams remain just dreams.

That said, “following your heart,” and tapping into your emotions can actually help you get what you really want.

Once you are clear on what your heart wants (your vision or goal) the energy behind your thoughts i.e., the “e-motion” accelerates the power and speed by which you bring it into reality.

If you generate joy and excitement about having what you want and how it feels upon its arrival, it will show up much more rapidly than if you’re lukewarm about the whole thing.

Without getting too deep into the metaphysical science of this, know that it IS science and not just philosophy but physics. Your heart not only has its own intelligence; it also has its own electromagnetic field and creative mojo. 

The emotion you attach to your vision (big goal) is a huge part of bringing it to life.

When you tap into the joy and freedom and feeling of what you want to create, you activate your heart’s energy, which activates your intuition, which is the direct line to your imagination and higher wisdom.

When you engage the energy and intelligence of your heart (rather than your logical mind) you engage your higher self, imagination, and natural abilities. Bingo.

By opening your heart, you’re now open to receiving new ideas, insights, and synchronistic events that will illuminate the next best step toward the ‘how’ – and ultimately the “wow” of having what you want become reality.

Where you place the attention, emotion, and power in your consciousness is what will manifest in your life.

Inspired action directed by your imagination and inner wisdom, rather than ‘massive action’ with no real focus, will get you results faster and often easier.

Your heart’s ‘knowing’ communicates directly with your intuition. Again, this is substantiated by research. How cool is that?

In short, tapping into the power of love, and here I mean heart-driven desires and dreams, not romantic love, is the bridge to manifesting anything.

So there’s your Valentine’s gift. Knowing that the simplest, fastest way to bring what you want into reality is to get clear, get emotional, and get ready to receive it. Or, as Maya Angelou said, “Ask for what you want, and be prepared to get it.”

Your heart knows things your mind can’t explain.

Last year, I followed her heart and intuition to climb to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet, raise thousands of dollars for abandoned children in Kenya, and publish my third book (an Amazon bestseller)—all within a few months.
In the spring of 2017, I’m returning to Africa to teach the principles of Creating the Impossible to children at two different schools in Kenya, one in the north and the other near the Masai Mara. And in between I’ll go on an extraordinary safari to see the great wildebeest migration, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Now that’s magic! And way beyond anything my mind (without my heart) could have imagined.


If you’re ready to bring your visions to life (fast!) learn more about the power of emotion and its role in amplifying and accelerating your creative power at my “Take Your Dream from Impossible to Done” workshop March 3 & 4, 2017 in Victoria, BC. Click here for details.