Why You Cannot Fail

When some of the big things you want to create, in life or business, are just not going according to “plan,” do you ever feel like a failure?

Well, that’s exactly how I was feeling when a big project I’d been working on for months seemed to be collapsing before my eyes. I was feeling disappointed, frustrated, and like I’d totally failed … until I read this:

“You are not failing. You are evolving.” 

Wow. My mind, and heart, shifted immediately. 

With a 180-degree turn in perspective, my energy, focus, and creative orientation changed dramatically. I “re-calibrated” and aligned my actions with what I really wanted to experience—to attempt something new, bigger, and bolder than I had done before.

You see success and “failure” are simply results, ones you really want and ones you do not. 

The important insight here and opportunity to “evolve” lies in the meaning you ascribe to those results. 

Good or bad? Right or wrong? Success or epic failure?

It all depends on how you perceive it.

If you took a risk, got off the bleachers and into the arena, and dared to stretch beyond your old beliefs and limitations did you really fail? 

What if you created something completely original—ideas, products, experiences, or possibilities—that did not exist before?

People in their genius create for the sake of creating, not to avoid failure.

Failure is not even on their radar. 

They create. They experiment. They adjust. They persist.

Imagine if… 

  • Vincent Van Gogh stopped painting because nobody was buying.
  • J.K. Rowling stopped writing Harry Potter and got a “real job” when she was a single mom on welfare. 
  • Steve Jobs quit innovating when he was fired from Apple, the company he founded.

Failure or progress? 

You decide.

What would you create, what dream would you pursue, and what would you experience if you knew you could not fail, only evolve?

For high-level creativity and success there are no formulas. 
There are no hard and fast rules. 
There are no failures. 
Only results. Some desired, some not so much. 

Over time, your instincts and intuition improve; you make better decisions; you get better results; and you trust your own inner genius. 

In short, you awaken your true creative power. 
You learn. 
You grow. 
You evolve.

And ultimately succeed on your own terms.