Are you feeling what I’m feeling…?

In this ever-changing world of white noise, disruption, and frankly, distraction, do you, like me, feel like you’re drowning in a sea of digital information and choices?

From managing your inbox to completing another online course to 24/7 social media feeds do you feel more fatigue than fulfillment? More saturation than satisfaction?

Who and what do you follow?

How many masterclasses can you master?

I think it’s time to change the “rules of engagement.” At least, how we decide to engage in what really matters, and what serves our life or life’s work.

Yes, there’s some great stuff available online, however, navigating the chaos, choices, and competition for our attention, energy, and resources does lead one to ask a few questions.

What can you do differently?

How do you find the meaning in the madness?

My answer, in a word: discernment.

To be “discerning,” according to the Canadian Oxford dictionary, means “having or showing good judgement, taste, or insight.”

Of course, what’s good judgement or good taste is entirely subjective, but I like to emphasize the “insight.” Having insight into what’s valuable for YOU, especially when you follow your heart’s wisdom, is a truly empowered way to navigate the digital world and the “real world.”

Using your intuitive guidance in practical ways helps you decide what is worthy of your time and energy—with more clarity and, well, discernment. In short, it allows you to choose wisely and choose intentionally.

Here are 5 ways to CHOOSE LESS to EXPERIENCE MORE, especially when it comes to your purpose, passions, or reason you’re on the planet.

  1. Choose what’s TRUE for you. Intuition connects you to your higher self and true nature. Tune in and select only what resonates with your values, goals, and desires.
  2. FOCUS on what your want to create now (one or two big goals) and the high-impact, high-value activities (online and off) that will drive you forward to reach your end result or realize your dream. Don’t confuse “busyness” with progress. When Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were asked to identify one word that accounted for their success they both said the same thing—focus.
  3. Release your FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Say no to the distractions, events, social media, and anything else consuming your time that’s not serving your higher good. I recently suspended my Netflix account (gasp!) so I could read more of the fascinating books I have waiting for me to crack the cover.
  4. Replace overwhelm with the delight of simplicity. Whether it’s the digital buffet with endless options or five delicious desserts on a menu… you cannot take in everything. Choose what ‘sparks joy,’ as Marie Kondo would say, and leave the rest so you can savour the best.
  5. Balance your digital engagement with LIVE engagements… and I do mean live, in-the-flesh human connection. Human beings today don’t crave more TV; they crave genuine social interaction and community. Why not leave the digital devices behind (uh, even for a few hours) and go to a Meetup group, dinner party, or live event with other cool humans.

That’s what I’ll be doing, on a global level (!), in Pula, Croatia next month. I’m going to a kind of “pop up” university for change makers, rebels, and thought leaders interested in education that moves humanity forward. This “Global Campus,” an event run by a transformational company called Mindvalley, promises to be both energizing and enlightening. And a whole lot of fun.

I’ll let you know what I learn in Croatia.

How do you navigate the sometime overwhelming world of information saturation? Please post your comments below or on my Facebook page.