How to live your location independent life!

Have you ever dreamed of living or working in another country? Maybe you’d like to become what my friend and colleague Liza Rogers calls being “location independent” or what I call “globally mobile.” 🙂

Liza is the founder WREN (Women in Real Estate Network), a savvy entrepreneur, and bad-ass creative spirit. She’s currently working from sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a few weeks, where she’ll also be hosting a webinar she’s asked me to participate in.

During the webinar, Liza will speak about her vision of a community for women to work together to achieve their larger life goals, and real estate as simply one tool to get there. She believes “together is better” as we all can go farther by sharing knowledge, resources, costs, income and, of course, FUN!

WREN’s motto is “LEAP,” which stands for Learn, Explore, Act, and Prosper. I’ll share how you can apply these same principles to “leap” toward your dream property or ideal life, with an intuitive and powerful twist.

So let’s get started.

L = LEARN to LISTEN to your inner knowing / heart / intuition and trust that by following that guidance you’ll be able “connect the dots,” and steps, toward your desired future. Every choice and action has a ripple effect in your future.

Only when you look back, will you see how each step was necessary to get to your destination or end result. As Steve Jobs so aptly said: “Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path; and that will make all the difference.”

E = EXPLORE new possibilities by engaging with your HEART’s wisdom, as I just mentioned. Your heart has its own neurons, energetic field, and intelligence, just like the brain. However, the heart’s energy field is 5000 times more powerful than the brain’s. This is science, not philosophy or new age woo-woo.

Your heart knows things your logical mind cannot explain. And this intuitive intelligence can guide you to swift action and riveting results in real life.

For example, in my own life my intuitive guidance helped me switch careers and attain an MA in Journalism in just one year; orchestrate a move to the South of France with a phone call and one email; and purchase a stunning architecturally designed riverfront home within nine days… just to name a few dreams that became reality.

If you’d like to explore your own possibilities, you can read how you too can realize extraordinary experiences in my book Creating the Impossible: What it takes to bring your vision to life.

A = ACT on your intuitive guidance, using your practical wisdom and mind to execute on those “inspired” actions. Your intuition will give you the next, most effective, and often easiest, step to take. And one step can change the entire trajectory of your life!

Your job is to listen and have the courage to make that leap, big or small, because the distance between your dreams and reality is action.

P= PROSPER by being willing to venture into the unknown—where anything is possible—including living in fabulous foreign country and being “location independent.” And let me add, when you trust in your inner wisdom and take guided action you prosper with power.

As you build confidence and learn to take (informed) risks, you become a creative force in your own life, one inspired step at a time.

You also prosper with power when you work with a mentor or trusted advisor, or form new alliances with people who have done what you want to achieve.

So how is all of this relevant to you?

What would life feel like if you could LEAP toward your dream with courage and confidence… and not have to figure it all out alone?

What if you had an experienced guide and a community of like-minded souls ready to LEAP with you?

See yourself enjoying life in another country?

Join WREN founder Liza Rogers and me to learn How to Live your Location Independent Life! on May 1, 2019 7:00 PM PDT. Register for this free webinar HERE.