Our brains can concentrate about 20 minutes on a task before losing focus, I recently read. Apparently, that’s why TED talks are 18 minutes.

Whether it’s a big idea worth sharing, an important goal, or daily task, focusing on one thing at a time is a powerful way to become not only more productive, but also more self-aware, creative, and fulfilled.

In the multi-tasking busyness, digital distraction and stress of everyday life, we get caught up in to-do’s about nothing and let our minds, energy, and attention wander rather than focus. We go too wide rather than deep.

Yet when you allow yourself to dive deeper and concentrate fully, you are present, aware, and intentional. You can do more in less time—and with less effort.

With deeper awareness, you learn to make conscious decisions and take conscious action, rather than succumbing to unconscious beliefs and programming… wandering around in our mind’s “bad neighborhoods.”

At last! With eyes wide open you look to the future not the past, and stop spending precious time, attention, and energy (three critical components of creating) on things that don’t serve you, don’t thrill you, and don’t fulfill you.

Working with my clients to help them connect to their heart’s intelligence as well as their mind’s intellect, I see them awaken to who they really are by going after what they really want.

They discover they are not defined by their problems, beliefs, stories, overactive minds or underactive bank accounts.

Fulfillment is the new fame and fortune.

In going deep rather than wide, to create a specific and meaningful dream or result, conscious choice leads to desired change. And that fosters a more fulfilling business, career, life or love.

I’ll never forget one of my greatest (and most fulfilling) leaps into the deep… when I learned to scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. It tested my concentration, beliefs, and fears all at once. (Would I drown in the middle of the Pacific, be chewed up by a Great White shark, surface too quickly and get the “bends?”)

Shaking in my wet suit, I decided to go all in. The pain of the risk was far less than the pain of regret—it was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. And didn’t.

Life is a lot like scuba diving. If you have the courage to go deep, it can take you to new, unexplored, magnificent territory.

Discovery surpasses anxiety, and with each dive you gather the will and skill to go deeper. At the edge of your fears, worlds are exposed, questions arise and answers appear.

Ready to focus and dive deep into what you REALLY want?

What’s one aspect of your life, a specific dream or goal, where you’d like to go deep into the awareness and conscious action that it takes to get there?

I’ve created an 8-week Soul Ignition Coaching Program that helps you do just that—focus, concentrate, and ACT on one thing that matters to you most and you’d like to start creating, today.

Register now. The next program begins in just one week, April 12, 2018. Find out more here.

Go deep. Choose the risk of success over the regret of inaction.