To blossom or wither? That is the question.

We’re in full-on spring here in Victoria and every time I see a blossoming tree or flower (which is several times a day) I think of one of my favourite quotes by Anaïs Nin:

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Hmmm… has that day come for you? Are you feeling some pain remaining ‘tight in the bud?”

What nature does so effortlessly–bud, blossom, and grow—we humans seem to require some kind of pain (emotional or physical), discomfort, or source of external motivation to bust through to the next phase expansion, awe, and beauty in this one precious life.

Last week I talked about the beauty of completion, appreciating what is now done or past in order to create the space and energy to move to the next season, project or adventure.

Seems simple enough. One thing ends, another begins.

Again, nature does this effortlessly… flowers blossom, fruit ripens, birds fly, and the sun rises every day, without fail, without thinking, without a 5-year plan.

And most exquisitely, without any fear or emotional baggage.

Ah yes, fear, emotions, and all that damn thinking… seem to be the domains of human nature, not Mother Nature.

How about you?
Are your dreams flourishing or withering on the vine?
Are they wasting away and moving quickly toward the compost heap because you are…

  • Fertilizing them with FEAR? (“How” will I make it happen?)
  • Watering them with DOUBT? (“I’m not smart/rich/thin/good enough.”)
  • Keeping them too long in the SHADE? (Hiding, not wanting to be seen, embarrassed or ashamed for going for what you REALLY want.)

Here’s the good news.
All that’s required to blossom and grow more quickly and purposefully is a one single SHIFT.

To emerge from your tightly wrapped little bud, you must shift from discomfort to decision.

You need to go from wanting to change your life to deciding to change your life and pursue the dreams you deserve and desire.

Some of the results my clients have received after deciding to break through and take the risk to “blossom” include learning how to:

  • Get out of their head and into their heart; to stop “overthinking” and start taking the action that feels right
  • Shift their fear so it no longer held any power
  • Bring unconscious beliefs to conscious awareness so they can be healed, handled, and no longer “run the show”
  • Make decisions (big and small) with ease, clarity, and confidence
  • Believe in things they could not see, only to manifest them later (e.g., a solo trip to Africa, a big career change, a more authentic and prosperous business).

Most importantly, they discovered the inner knowing that the things they once thought impossible were simply waiting to be created.

All transformation starts with a decision.
Followed by a commitment.
Ignited by action.
Enhanced by belief in yourself, connection to your truth, and trust in the universe.

We, like nature, will continue to evolve. Whether we (and our dreams) blossom or wither on the vine is simply a choice.

And here’s the kicker.
Like the flower in the bud we are only in our physical bodies for so long.
Change, growth, and big beautiful dreams do not happen with wishing, wanting, and waiting.

The more you connect your heart with your will and choose to direct your energy to what you truly want, the easier it will be to emerge, expand, and flourish.

To blossom or wither?
That is the question.
That is the choice.

Growth is inevitable; pain is optional.

If you’re ready to breakthrough that “tiny bud” that’s cramping your dream—to risk having it blossom and burst into something spectacular.

I’m offering a special SPRING BREAKTHROUGH SESSION for $195 plus GST (regular price $495) until March 31, 2018.

This 60-minute Breakthrough Session is an invitation to:

  • Dive deep into what you truly want to create and is ready to emerge!
  • Get focus and clarity
  • Breakthrough to the next level of flourishing success

Simply email me here and ask to book a SPRING BREAKTHOUGH SESSION.

DECIDE to get the clarity, perspective, and guidance for you and your dream to BREAK FREE from tiny bud to colossal blossom.