The energy is rising…

Continuing on my musings in my last post, as we move further into the new year, there’s a new energy rising as truth, action, and feminine power continue to build and gather momentum.

As people listen to their intuition, get real, get honest, and get vulnerable, they are heeding their call to speak and act upon their true values.

All of this is spilling over into the collective (at last!) and creating a palpable shift in consciousness.

While the energy of the past few years has included a lot of “shock and awe” and demonstrations of power over others, the Divine Feminine has now come on to the scene to show us what can happen when we band together to assert power with others.

Just to be clear, feminine energy lives in both men and women, just as masculine energy does; the two energies simply embody different characteristics and frequencies. One is not better than the other.

At the moment it appears to be women who are carrying the torch and embracing feminine energy as a massive force for change, however the movement also includes a few brave men.

So in this rising wave of truth, connection and community where do you come in?


Where do you come in and how can you “catch the wave” of this rising, powerful but peaceful force?

Maybe now’s a good time to explore that. (No time like the present to BE present.)

What does your inner truth look like? Feel like? Act like?

Where do you want to create some momentum or change?

Is your work, career, and life, a true reflection of who you are and the values you hold?

Have you ever taken the time to contemplate and reflect on that?

Do you have the deep connections and community you’d like to have in your life?

If not, fear not.

There’s no judgement or shame here, simply an opportunity for some self-discovery and a little soul love by tapping into YOUR truth.