We’re almost a week into the New Year, and according to Lee Harris, my favourite intuitive guide (other than my own higher guides), 2018 is a year of FIRE and ACTION.

While we certainly saw some physical and emotional fire energy on the planet in 2017, this year is about the “fire within” and how you plan to direct it, amplify it and use it.

Just as fire can be an incinerating and destructive force, it can also be an awakening, healing and creational force.

Why do you think your true passions are called “burning desires?”

However, for your burning desires to take form in the real world, you have to dig deep, get a little messy, and tell (yourself) the TRUTH about…

What do you really want?

What will you accept (or not)?

What are you willing to commit to in bringing it into existence?

You can’t just “love and light” your way through what you truly want to create, sit around and meditate it into reality, or make a nice vision board and walk away. You also can’t just “hope” your intentions and deep wishes will be fulfilled. Hope is not a plan.

Visualizations and intentions without action = Nothing. Zero. Nada.

Directing—and realizing–the power of your “fire” requires action.

It also requires emotional honesty.


2018 is also the year to stand up, rise up, and speak your truth.

The #metoo campaign immediately comes to mind, but there will be other ‘truth telling’ moments that come to the fore this year as activists, change-makers, and leaders find their fire.

So are you ready to handle the TRUTH?

Be not afraid. What I’m talking about here is YOUR truth, the truth that will set you—and your desires—free as you pursue what you really care about.

The time is now to dig deep into the truth of WHO YOU ARE, and in the depths of your heart ASK YOURSELF what you truly want, where you will break the old patterns and develop new ones, and—let’s be honest—what you’ll take action on in 2018.

What fires you up and lights you up?

Because that, and only that, is where you are likely to ACT.

And that doesn’t mean you have to become an activist (unless that is what you love), take to the streets and start setting things ablaze (please don’t). Your fire within could be amplifying the light for others by your peaceful presence and gentle wisdom.

The volcanic action, the catalyst, the joy juice that fuels creating anything …comes from connecting to your heart’s energy and true desire.

That’s why so many dreams… and pretty much all resolutions never succeed. They lack FIRE, excitement, and (sigh) truth.

So back to the year of emotional honesty and harnessing the power of fire and action (Bring it on, baby). Truth be told, what are you avoiding, resisting, or denying?

What part of you is still looking for approval, permission, or acceptance? Or worse, living someone else’s dream or what society, your peers, or your family expects of you.

One of my clients says this is the year she will embrace change. I love that.

Embrace change and embrace your dreams.

They are yours for a reason. They are needed. You are needed… and now is your time.

And that’s the truth, my friend, not just some inspirational cheerleading.

You have gifts, passions, big dreams, and big ideas that only you can bring into form.

So in this year fuelled by fire and action…

Why not harness the cosmic energy to match your career to your passion?

Get clear and get real about where you want to spend your time and energy.

Spark some new creative activity or crazy venture.

And give yourself permission to GO FOR IT.

Above all, let the energy of fire purify and release you from the old patterns, emotions, and beliefs that do not serve you and activate new ways to take action to manifest what you love.

If you’re ready to fire up a new year aligned with who you are and what you love, I’d love to support you. I’ve created a new program that’s all about capturing your fire within, called The Soul Ignition Coaching Program.

It begins next week, (January 11) so if it speaks to you check it out HERE and book a discovery call with me about making 2018 the year your dream becomes a reality.

Find your FIRE. Live it. Love it. Be it.