Awakenings in Africa Part 5: The Power of Losing Control

This post is part of a series of posts called “Awakenings in Africa,” focusing on some of the most powerful soul messages I’ve received there from 2015-2017.

Happy December!

We’re now full on into the “official” season of Joy, and I just wanted to share a quick story about finding joy… by losing all control. It was one of my favourite freedom-filled moments of 2017.

It happened in Kenya (as a lot of joy did for me this year) on a “Soul Immersion Safari” I took with my friend and colleague Michelle Richmond. Our group of 16 included an international artist, who wanted to do a little art therapy with us and prepared this huge canvas for all of us to paint and create some sort of collaborative masterpiece.

Well, it went from a “group painting” to painting the group, literally. We started slapping and slathering paint all over each other — faces, hair, bosoms, backsides and entire bodies (uh, with our clothes on) until we lost all control.

It was Technicolor madness, wild laughter, complete freedom and PURE JOY.

We all know about the power of love, but that day reminded me about the power of JOY and its place not just in artistic creativity but also in how we create and experience our lives!

JOY is the operating mode of high-level creativity… not staying within the lines.

The state of unabandoned joy, bliss and freedom, not only gives artists the energy and inspiration to create amazing works, but it’s the same happy fuel that you can use to amp up your business, projects, health, or relationships.

In other words, JOY is the energy of creating what you want with ease—great ideas come to you, resources show up, support arrives, and MAGIC happens.

At this time of year, joy, magic, and wonder are all around us.

As the year wraps up, where can you let go of control—and perhaps fear, fatigue, and overwhelm—to bring some joy to your world?

Whether it’s finding more happiness at work or a whole new job, creating a new community, or moving locations… it doesn’t have to be hard, scary, or overwhelming.

I’d love to support you in igniting the joy of creating something you’d love in the New Year.

If not now, when?

Check out the Soul Ignition Coaching Program that begins January 11, 2018 as well as other offerings at

Let go of control, struggle, and the exhaustion of “busyness” and take inspired action to bring some Joy to Your World in 2018.