Awakenings in Africa Part 4: Lessons in Daring

This week I’m resuming in a series of posts called “Awakenings in Africa,” focusing on some of the most powerful soul messages I’ve received there, beginning with an unexpected trip to Swaziland in 2015.

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.” ~Seneca

Lately, the “fear” of daring to do something you’d love—i.e. pursuing a dream, big or small—has been coming up in a lot of conversations, at speaking events, discussions about my new “Soul-Ignition” coaching program, and even at dinner parties.

When people discover I’m the author of a book called “Creating the Impossible” and am all about bringing dreams to reality they want to know “how I DO it” without being paralyzed by fear.

So this post is affectionately called “Lessons in Daring.”

Two years ago I dared to follow my heart and take an unplanned, but destined, trip to Africa. It was the first of four (so far) sojourns of the soul to that continent.

Answering that call reignited my soul and allowed me to move through my fears to open the pathway to even bigger, deeper, crazier dreams.

The “decision to dare greatly” and travel to Africa for an unusual writer’s training happened after a simple introductory Skype call with author William Whitecloud,

Here’s an excerpt from my book about that decisive moment.

“Before the call ended, I’d made the decision to cancel a planned trip to Peru and sign on to show up in Swazliand, in southern Africa, and “meet my writer’s genius’ in a transformational course. In a few short weeks, I would travel to the other side of the world to a country I had to look up on a map, to be with people I’d never met, in a program I knew nothing about, guided by an author whose books I had never read.

            Crazy you say? Following one’s truth can seem that way.

So what does this have to do with you?

Daring to dream and live beyond your wildest expectations can be exhilarating… or wet-your-pants terrifying.

I understand that. Great ideas and big goals are one thing, making them happen is another.

A woman in one of my workshops once asked: “Don’t you have any fear?”

“It’s not that I have no fear,” I replied. “I just don’t give it the power.”

You can recoil into fear, judgement, and inaction or you can transmute that energy into something useful… like new-found confidence, courage, and mind-blowing experiences.

When it comes to making big changes, or grand leaps of faith, fear often wants to come along for the ride.

I know that. So I acknowledge my fear without denying its presence, then put it in the back seat and let my soul drive.

The fear of doing something new and challenging is normal… but if you dare to dare, even a little, and are willing to be vulnerable… growth, confidence and success can be yours,

It’s important to know where you’re focused—on your commitment to move forward, or on the fear of rejection, looking foolish, or (gasp) failure?

“Failure” is simply a result you didn’t want, which gives you the clarity to refocus and redirect toward what you do want.

I believe in truth AND dare. Not truth or dare.

When you follow your truth and not your terror, you can make your choices from your heart (love) not your fears (ego).

That’s when you reignite your soul’s power and deeper purpose—and from there fear doesn’t stand a chance.

What do you dare to dream? It doesn’t have to be big to be life changing.

You don’t have to go to Africa (though I highly recommend it) or climb an actual mountain (though that’s fun, too), maybe your dream is simply to be happier at work, to start a project you care about, or expand your circle of friends and cool experiences.

Your life is created by the choices you make daily.

So why not choose something a little wild and crazy… like opening to what’s possible, not just probable.

Dare to do something you’ve longed for, but resisted.

Dare to step forward into growth rather than back into safety.

Dare to follow YOUR truth and your path, not someone else’s.