Are you expanding or contracting?

This week I’ve been asked to be the first speaker on a new video series called “Queens of Expansion.” The interview is on Saturday, November 18. (Find out more on the facebook page @queens of expansion.)

Who and what are “Queens of Expansion,” you ask?

It’s a community created to bring together like-minded, purposeful women to support each other in owning their power to lead and achieve greatness in the world. All we need now is a Round Table.

And why “expansion?” Because if you’re not expanding, you’re contracting, as the group’s founder Elizabeth Milder says. And these creative warriors are all about growth – living, leading, and creating in a BIG way.

My heart expands just thinking about the possibilities here.

Few things expand your awareness, true self, and soul’s purpose more than going after your big dreams, audacious goals or, frankly, the reason you came to the planet.

That said, stepping into the arena of turning your vision into reality and making it happen can be confronting, challenging, and a period of big-time contracting.

The thought of creating real change in your life might feel a bit like this.,. the “queen” has left the room and the frightened inner child just wants to put her hands over her face and hide.

Fear, uncertainty, and even panic enter in—uninvited, but determined to stick around.


So how do you move from fear, uncertainty, and ‘contraction’ back into a space of expansion?

Everyone is a leader of change in their own world. No matter how big or small that dream of change is it starts with taking responsibility for everything you create—every moment, every day.

YOU create your reality.
YOU create your expansion.
…or contraction.

When you are living your truth, making choices from your heart (love) not your ego (fear) you feel expanded. From this space of inner knowing you can create magic, and amplify all that you are and do.

When you are disconnected from your true self and inner wisdom, you contract in small or big ways, which often leads to disease, illness, depression and other manifestations of imbalance.

When you are committed and willing to move through fear and uncertainty you open and expand into the place of all possibility—and real creative power.

Easier said than done?

If creating a big dream or goal still makes you want to curl up and contract into a ball in the corner or run and hide, I can help.

I’ve created a new “Soul Ignition Coaching Program,” to help you shift the fear, doubt, and uncertainty so you can ignite the fire in your soul.

In this program you’ll learn how to connect to your authentic self and true source of power.

From there your vision, awareness, intuition, and ability to create will not only expand, but also flow—and what you truly, deeply desire will happen too.

So if you’re ready to ‘become sovereign over your domain,’ access your authentic power, and expand into a life of your dreams… check out the Soul Ignition Program here.

This 8-week journey of self-discovery and soul expansion begins in January 2018, and includes weekly private-sessions with me.

Space is limited. Register now. Expansion awaits.

Ready to commit? Get the early bird pricing until Nov. 30, 2017.

Realizing your dream—and an extraordinary life—might be closer than you think.

Get the clarity, guidance, and truth you need to expand into the biggest, most brilliant version of you. All transformation begins with a decision.

Decide now.
Catalyze your vision.
Expand your soul.

This could change everything