Focus: Creating the Reality You Desire

Visionary leaders, builders, and innovators achieve extraordinary things not only because they imagine extraordinary possibilities, but they also consciously focus on the end result, or material object, they want to bring into the real world.

Begin from the End

Powerful creators begin with the end in mind. As Buckminster Fuller said: “The best way to predict the future is to design it.” That includes your own future, which could mean something you’d like to create this year, this month, or this afternoon. Here’s an example of focusing on an end result that changed the course of my own life and future.

Not long ago, I wanted to create the reality of living by the ocean; I was more than ready to leave the land-locked Canadian Prairies (and the arctic-like winters) where I was living at the time. Over the years, I’d lived in Australia, California, and the south of France, and even spent a few months testing the waters in Maui, but hadn’t quite found the ‘right’ seaside address.

So without getting caught up in the geographic location, I focused on the end result of a beautiful home, near the ocean, in a mild climate where I could live, work, and travel easily. Bingo. In a flash of genius (more specifically, my intuition) the idea came to me to move to the coast in my own country! I know, how obvious. But honestly, it was something my global soul had never considered until that point.

Follow (and Act on) Your Inner Wisdom

The next step, while remaining focused on your end-goal or vision, is to always go with whatever wisdom you receive, i.e., listen to your intuition, and pick up the messages. In April 2014, I followed my inner nudges all the way to Vancouver Island, B.C., spent that summer checking out places to live in Victoria, and moved to this west coast city by October of the same year.

Focus through to Completion

Only you will know when the desired end result is achieved, and that requires staying focused until that happens. My new reality includes residing in a neighbourhood that looks like a botanical garden, in a charming mid-century modern condo, about a five-minute walk from the water, and not far from where the cruise ships come in. Apparently, I now live on a ‘destination island.’

Note to self: focus creates reality.

Do you have an “END RESULT” you’d like to FOCUS on and CREATE? Contact me for a Creative Power Session, to determine the next best steps to do just that.