Most Powerful Question to Ask to Create ‘Magic’ in Your Life

We hear A LOT these days about following our heart, bliss, or intuition to create what we want in life, work, or romance. Yet our visions of happiness, riches, and that ever-elusive dream date remain, well, elusive for a couple of reasons.

So what’s stopping so many people from manifesting what they’d love? Exactly… the “what.” The biggest reason people don’t get what they want is that they don’t know WHAT they want.”

You could also say, they don’t know what their unique gifts, talents, or abilities are, or what their soul came to this planet to do. That’s a deep question for most of us…and one I’ve helped people answer in my “Tap Into Your Genius” workshops.

Secondly, and more importantly, most people don’t bring their vision(s) into real life because once they define “what” they desire, they get all caught up in focusing on the “how” and quickly get lost down the rabbit hole of trying to figure things out.

Focus creates reality.
Powerful creators, on the other hand, stay focused on WHAT they’d love to create, and “allow the how” to present itself, often intuitively.

“The creative orientation always begins with the end in mind,” says Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance. Therefore, the most powerful question you can ask yourself is, “What do I want?” — at any time, in any situation. This question is really one about results, so an even more precise question might be, “What result do I want to create?”

Where you place the attention, and power, in your consciousness is what will manifest in your life. When you focus on the RESULTS you want, you engage your heart, your natural abilities, and your genius.

By contrast, when you place your attention on “How do I get what I want?” you’re focused on process not results. Therefore you’re limited to what you already know how to do or can conceive of doing, rather than the possibility of something new or previously unknown.
So if you focus on the ‘how’ before the ‘what’, you’ll just create variations of what you already have or have done. And there’s no fun, magic, or wow factor in “been there done that.”

The magic happens in knowing first what you want to get, and then being open to new ideas, ways, or paths to the how–and ultimately the wow.

If you’re ready to create some extraordinary results in your life, join me Sat. March 5, for my workshop called: “Tap into Your Genius: the science and secrets to manifesting what you love.”  Click here for details